PV project approved!-100MW Spain Basque largest

In collaboration with the Basque Energy Authority (EVE), the Provincial Council of Arava and Clan (part of the Mondragon Group), Ibodelola is leading the largest PV project in the Basque country to date. The project, known as the Eckinia Photovoltaic Park, is located in La Corzana in Arava’s Aminon municipality.

In January 2024, the final approval of the special plan for the project was published in the Official Gazette of the Historic Territory of Arawa (BOTHA). The project is driven by a public-private partnership under the Aegina company, which includes Euskadi (Ibodelola), the Basque Energy Agency (Basque Government), Alaba (Provincial Council of Arava) and Krean of LKS Krean through LKS Energy Pele (Mondragon Group).

With an installed capacity of 100 MW Solar Mounting System , the Ekinaya Photovoltaic Park will be the largest solar power plant in the Basque Country. The project is located in La Cozana, an area with the best solar resources, which also benefits from good topographic features and sufficient land for implementation. The project covers 200 hectares, half of which will house photovoltaic power plants and the other half will be used for environmental compensation and protection of forest areas.

The planning process for the special program began in 2020 and includes a general strategic environmental assessment. The project includes various corrective and compensatory measures outlined in the Strategic Environmental study. These include an agricultural program to compensate for the use of high-value agricultural land, an archaeological study to protect areas of archaeological significance, and animal studies that include the construction of ponds for amphibians. In addition, the project includes a comprehensive environmental restoration proposal that envisages the creation of a naturalization zone as an ecological corridor between the Lakorzana Lagoon and the banks of the Zadora River.

Post time: Aug-14-2024